Sunday, March 23, 2008


Hi and welcome to my new blog about The Arsenal Football Club.

As I sit here, at 10 p.m. on a Sunday evening, I am still seething after watching the game against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. A game I thought we could and should have won, but for two reasons: the officials and the dreaded Drogba. Goal 1. two players offside, including the scorer; Goal 2. Drogba clearly pushed Toure away before scoring.

Playerwise, I thought the difference between the two sides was Drogba and Adebayor. Drogba looks as fresh as a daisy, Adebayor looks like a player who has had a long, hard season playing on his own up front, which of course he has. I would love to have seen a fit RvP and Eduardo playing up front together at this stage of the season.

Well, thats it for my very first post. Hopefully future one's will be more upbeat!

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